FrederickMediaMinistry :: Update

fbmediaministrybanner.jpg Well, for those of you who are part of the Frederick Family I am very excited about our upcoming website! We have been hard at work, along with the good people over at Element Fusion, to complete our new website. It appears that the launch date will actually be January 3rd! This new site should be a tremendous resource for connecting with non-churched people in our community as well as communicating to all of us who make up the Frederick Family! As soon as it has launched I will make sure to let everyone know. According to recent research, 80-85% of all 1st time church visitors in the US right now are  choosing a church to visit based on their website. This has been one of the factors driving our decision to maximize our use of a website to move our church forward.

Along those lines, I found a new website today that I really enjoy. If you are part of another church and you are looking for help with your website, this new site will give you access to many, many of the top church sites in the country. It is a fantastic accumulation of various websites that represent churches and ministries that reflect a commitment to using technology to reach others. I would highly recommend this resource for those who are interested in church webdesign.
