Weekend Worship :: O Praise Him

What is worship? In our culture we seem to have compartmentalized our lives and in doing so relegated worship to a once weekly activity done within the confines of the church building. Of course, this isn't a reflection of the biblical pattern of worship. God instructs us that worship is to be reflected in everything that we do. Our lives, in other words, are to sing to God and reflect His glory. This week's Weekend Worship is a song and a video that, I think, illustrates our lives in respect to worship. We desire to worship and yet our focus is so easily removed from Christ. We are concerned with the opinions of others over and above God's desires for our lives. We try and dip our toe into the pool of worship and yet we pull back quickly if we think someone else might be watching. We wouldn't want to look like a fool, now would we? Yet, that is entirely what God wants. Not necessarily fools, no, but He desires those who will gladly worship KNOWING that others are watching. What greater testimony to the greatness and goodness of our God is there? I hope this video illustrates for you that principle this week, God's great passion that we would worship Him in all things, in front of all people, to bring Him praise.

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Romans 12:1-2