A little linklove

Each day, through the use of BlogLines I keep up with 104 blogs. Using this feed reader allows me to stay updated quickly, and yet consume pretty significant amounts of information without dedicating a lot of time to it. I think I spend less than 30 minutes a day reading those sites. I subscribe to an interesting amalgamation of sites, everything from theological to athletic - and pretty much everything in between. So I wanted to share a few highlights from the past day or two that I've run across.

  • Mark Battersonm, Pastor of National Community Church in DC, is going to be emailing out manuscripts of his messages as a way to helpd resource other pastors. [Click here]
  • You can recieve a free commentary on Matthew/Mark authored, in part, by Darrell Bock. [Click here]
  • Joshua Harris, of Covenant Life Church, is posting the sermon notes from a variety of well known pastors. These can serve as a great help for preachers who are trying to refine their craft. Learning from men who have been most effective communicators of God's Word can be very beneficial. [Ray Ortlund Jr.] [C.J. Mahaney] [Mike Bullmore] [Mark Dever]
  • Each of us handles change differently, how do you manage it? [Click here] HT: Jason Allen
Article, BloggersMicah Fries