My partner, my lover, my friend

I have waited too long to write about my wife. Words cannot describe how much I love her. There are a ton of reasons why I do (she's beautiful, she loves God, she's an unbelievable mom, she cooks ridiculously well, she's an awesome housekeeper, etc.) but my favorite thing about Tracy is that she gets me. Many of you who know me personally know that there's something special about someone who understands, and still apreciates, me.

There are so many days, when I listen to people get frustrated and complain about their spouse and I wonder what that must be like. I'm not saying there aren't days when I don't make her mad and when she's not ticked off at me, because there certainly are those days, but I can honestly say there's never been a day when I've been dissapointed in her as a wife. After almost 6 years of marriage and almost 9 years of being together that's a pretty amazing statement.

I love my wife, she is my partner, my lover and my friend. Thank you God for the gift of her life in my life.

I love you babe!